Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Africa's Giants

My kids and I watched a documentary on Animal Planet last weekend called “Saving Africa's Giants with Yao Ming”. It was a very interesting documentary in regard to elephants.

The goal of the documentary was to bring awareness to China in regards to the devastating reality of the ivory trade (hence the reason for Yao Ming being the spokesperson). China has the largest black market for the trade. There is an international ban on ivory trade that was created to help protect elephants, but because of black markets the trade still lives illegally. Elephants are now endangered due to this trade. It is said that 33,000 elephants are killer per year for their ivory. There used to be millions of elephants roaming Africa. According to the documentary there are only 470,000 left. There is no other way to get ivory without killing an elephant this is why they want to end the trade and defund it. There is a website that was created and campaign’s being Ivory free. You can take a pledge to join and be Ivory free.  Here is a link to the website.


The International Fund for Animal Welfare also has a pledge that people can sign. By signing it you pledge to “We all have a role in the fight to save elephants from extinction. I pledge not to buy or sell ivory carvings, jewelry, or other products that fuel the poaching crisis, and I will support government action to stop the sale of ivory in the United States.” IFAW website



Both images above are photos of mutilated elephants who have been killed for their ivory tusks.

These are tusks that were seized from a poacher.

Here is a link to Animal Planet in regard to the documentary.

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